Despite of construction development growing day by day. Engineers are always striving to overcome one major problem, building defects. It a challenge as it is hard to deal with completely. A defect is either a design mistake or building flaw, when prolong will cause a dangerous condition. Building deformity or defects is one aspect of building that required consideration.

step by



Conducting 1st inspection to identify defects in the property. Recording defects in developer’s approved format for client’s use.



Attending 2nd (Joint) Inspection with client and builder to run through defects before rectification works.



Conducting 3rd (Handover) inspection after rectification works have been done by the builder.


  • Hassle free by engaging us
  • Cost saving to prevent future repair cost
  • Three essential areas – architecture, mechanical and electrical. 
  • At least 45 points check


Defect Inspection can conduct comprehensive assessments on your property, including:

    1. Engage our services
    2. Inspect for defects
    3. Submission of detects to developer & client
    4. Joint inspection
    5. Defects rectification and work completed

about us

When a building fails to perform as it should, we should address to it promptly. Is the problem an act of nature, improper maintenance or failure due to improper assembling by human error?

Our aims are to find the types of faults occurring with the help of modern methods of production engineering. In solving a defect, we must first have the knowledge of it, their causes and the associated costs. It also helps us to identify the defects that are commonly happening today and find the solutions on it.

Check by trained inspector with experience for almost 10 years.

Defect usually arise due to use of inferior materials, poor workmanship, atmospheric pollution and climatic conditions changes. Broadly speaking, understand the symptom and causes of building defects is essential for a better performance. There are 2 classifications, defect that are affecting building structural which require immediate follow up action and defect that are mainly unsightly affecting building aesthetic.

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Reach out to us today and get a complimentary review and consultation.